RT @CollectDST: As #StarTrek50 ends, enter to win a massive #StarTrek prize pack from our archives! Just like this post, retweet it… https://t.co/XD6FHNKqsv http://twitter.com/freeyou/status/815100461565038592
Les dernières news de Star Trek
Là cela va peut être un peu trop loin #StarTrek: Live Long and Paws-per from ThinkGeek https://t.co/UeEWDkwKZL via @YouTube http://twitter.com/freeyou/status/786281830139858944
Les dernières news de Star Trek
Pour se faire une idée d’une convention Destination #StarTrek Europe – Floor Walk https://t.co/UFjJApRGk3 via @YouTube #maldemer http://twitter.com/freeyou/status/786279582278127617
Les dernières news de Star Trek
RT @MarinaSirtisFan: An Absolutely Epic Moment Just Took Place During Destination Star Trek Europe https://t.co/VzWqix1sIk #DSTE… https://t.co/VVQ1O8KQcz http://twitter.com/freeyou/status/784516905738567680
Les dernières news de Star Trek
RT @larrynemecek: Those who read/hear me know I’ve been on this soapbox for 6 yrs: fan girls aren’t new, they built #startrek. Yay > https://t.co/b0ouze7PdP http://twitter.com/freeyou/status/776864953760378880
Les dernières news de Star Trek
Le premier teaser de la série #startrek de 2017 https://t.co/se3jTPGtHD http://twitter.com/freeyou/status/756975014369456128
Les dernières news de Star Trek
Le prochain vaisseau #StarTrek ne sera pas un #enterprise .. mais un #discovery https://t.co/pdty102bxE http://twitter.com/freeyou/status/756974683669618688
Les dernières news de Star Trek
RT @roddenberry: @BrentSpiner ‘If everyone had a Replecator, world hunger would be solved. Well, it would!’ #StarTrek #HallH #roddenberry http://twitter.com/freeyou/status/756973864400322560
Les dernières news de Star Trek
RT @TrekMovie: Fans laughing at the guy at the mic in a Star Wars shirt. Jeri reminds that Gene’s vision is inclusion #StarTrek https://t.co/S8YwG9TfIj http://twitter.com/freeyou/status/756968744988053508
Les dernières news de Star Trek
RT @TrekNewsNet: « The scientists help us, the dreamers help us… » says @ScottBakula of science fiction
#StarTRek #SDCC #sdcc2016 #HallH http://twitter.com/freeyou/status/756964705340653568